BRC, BAP, IFSC, SMETA-4 Pillar certifications. Geo Seafoods also has European Economic Community approval, and the Green Channel Facility from the US Food and Drug Authority, for the past 40 years.


Along with IQF line capable of processing 15 MT/day, three stainless steel plate freezers-with a capacity of 32 MT/day, and 1060 MT cold storage, the facilities of the plant include metal detector in packaging to rule out unwanted materials, and in –house lab to monitor physical, chemical and microbiological factors. A well-equipped lab with qualified technicians operate under direct supervision and guidance of Dr. Chinthu Vivek who oversees the functioning of both the plants to ensure quality at every stage.

Microbiological analysis of the raw material samples, products and all intermediate stages including equipment, chemicals, water etc. is done regularly. The Group also follows new innovative methods in the operating procedures.

The Group gives priority to the health of employees and well being. It is no wonder Geo Seafood’s stringent commitment towards quality has helped to gain global acceptance.